Nkana lawmaker Binwell Mpundu recently met with UN Rapporteur Ms Khan, who is currently in Zambia to investigate infringements on the right to freedom of speech.

Mpundu took to his Facebook page to share details of the meeting, stating:
We had a very sober conversation this evening with UN Rapporteur Ms Khan who is in the country to investigate specifically the infringements on the right to freedom of Speech.
We have agreed generally that four laws are a subject of controversy in regards the infringement on the right to freedom of speech.
SEDITIOUS PRACTICES is too vague and subject to abuse and must in a normal society be repealed.

HATE SPEECH…infact is a very unrealistic law which is never in the books of laws in most jurisdictions. This law has been abused and should not be allowed to sit under our books of laws as its is likely to cause dissent.
PUBLIC ORDER ACT…The POA has been subject of abuse for many years and is the main cause of the infringements on the right to freedom of expression.
CYBER SECURITY AND CYBER CRIMES LAW…This law is equally too vague and subject to serious abuse of the rights to freedom of speech
These four laws have been highly abused have in the recent past caused do much apprehension and we have reached a stage where we all need to have a serious conversation on these laws for they are not helping us live in harmony.